Monday, 29 April 2013



Well...hmm. I can't use a gridLayout to show the things. .

 Ryk said that I'd have to find another way to display them to the screen.

 Might have to do a button and so when the person lands on it, the centre shows information about the property

All the properties have to contain a JPEG or  PNG containing the colour, the icon, the price (in galleons), and name of property. 

I'm not a hundred percent sure exactly how to lay out the board, but at least I have a start for now. 

At least my game board is going to be as colourful as here :D    

Friday, 26 April 2013

Noooo! ;o

It's not working! The words aren't lining up at all! This is going to be a little bit of a problem...O_O

Layout of Gameboard

Just realized...

For all the properties, I just realized that I'm going to need pictures for all those properties and I'm going to have to insert them into the gameboard manually. So I was thinking instead of having one row on the N, S, E, and W of GridLayouts, it should have 2 rows - one for the picture. And the other for the price of the property and the name of the property along with the colour. 

Although one thing I can do is add the price to the picture manually. And to make the colour of the text representative of the colour that is on the card and on the property. Hmm, sounds cool. I think. 

I hope it works though. I'm not quite sure how to display the fact that one's piece is on the place though. Like it's going to have to be a colour that stands out on every other square but there's no similar colour. And so it's a bit hard. Unless I make each small little panel has a square in which represents the character cause I wanted to make the little characters characters in the series rather than things like TVs or roller skates. 

I was thinking: 

  • Harry Potter
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • John Watson
  • Bilbo Baggins
  • Gandalf
  • Lucy 
  • Merlin 
  • Arthur
But I'm not sure of the characters just yet. But those are just a few random things that came to mind. 

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Oh no :(

Uh oh! Uh oh! 

I'm behind schedule! I was supposed to finish the instruction screen, the menu screen by today! NOOOOO! :O 

Well looks like I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow night...-_- 

Welcome Screen Completed


The welcome screen is finally finally done, except for the fact that it is entirely colourless cause I still don't know what colour to make it. Even though, green and brown looks natury, I'm thinking something that's related to all the fandoms. 

I might just add a massive picture in the middle that relates to all fandoms. Maybe photoshopped. 

Oh well, starting to program the game board now... :/ 

MainPanel is going to be in a BorderLayout then the sides are all going to be grid layouts with just 1 column. And all the little squares will contain a property of something in which you have to pay. 

The centre will contain a picture then 2 buttons: 

1) To find out how much is in the pot (Tavern/Rising Sun AKA Free Parking) 
2) To pick up a card from the Room of Requirement (AKA Chance or Community Chest) as it is squashed into one. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013



Hello again! Anyways, I know, I'm posting way too often, but here goes. 

First time I ran my program - NULL POINT EXCEPTION! GAH! :O NOOOO! 

But..then I realized I didn't declare the objects...I know, I know, O_o Stupid error! 

Very...stupid! O-o 

I also did all the uh..whatsthemcalled..delimiters? Deliminators? 

the things that separate methods with a bunch of documentation that specifies a description of each method, parameters and return conditions, preconditions and postconditions. Not too hard, but I guess it's on the rubric, so oh well -_-

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Colour Scheme! Colour Scheme!

I is not being able to pick a colour scheme! 

Oh well, I'll worry about that one later... I think. 

I'll program well the program rather than worrying about the colour just ideas! NOOO IDDEEEAAASSS! D; 

Welcome (ish) Screen!

Welcome Scre--almost done..

+Vivian Luu Yes, yes, I'm late. I should have updated it last night considering I WROTE the Welcome Screen after doing physics...

But yeah..finished most of the welcome screen...thinking of a colour scheme though O_o 

Monopoly.......Lord of the Rings; Hobbit; Narnia; Harry Potter; Merlin, Sherlock; has now run out of ideas...has to include everything...but...eckeckeck..can't think of home screen for Monopoly. 

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light" -Albus Dumbledore

Monday, 22 April 2013


The Monopoly is extremely fandom-styled...well, MONOPOLY! 

If you like Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Narnia, Harry Potter, Merlin and Sherlock, you'll love this game. Doesn't REALLY matter whether you know all of them; just that you'll get some references and probably won't get others. Hey well, be happy! At least you're not Anderson and (hopefully) no one will scream, "Shut up! You're lowering the IQ of the whole street!" 

Anyways, back to monopoly. You can guess, yes, yes, I am tied up in fandoms. I don't think there's really a way to get out of it..other than brainwashing myself from remembering. Probably! But no way I'm doing way...CAUSE FANDOMS ARE BLOODY BRILLIANT! 

Right...back again, to monopoly. And for real this time. 

Wasn't really until +Vivian Luu told me that there was the blogging thingy here, and I was updating stuff on a word document but this is pretty fast, so oh well. 


The monopoly consists of 36 squares that go around (meaning that there are 37 objects in the array) that contain different information for different things in the program. Examples include whether it is owned or not, whether the property is owned, whether the property has houses or hotels; and if they do, how many of each, how much the property costs, how much you would have to pay if you land on it, and how much the bank will pay you if you land on it (free parking is whatever is in the pot) and the GO square would be 200 galleons, and last but not least, whether you are stuck on a spot until a certain number (like jail!). And you can't really get out until, get doubles on the die. 

So I sort of programmed the whole object declaration for 36 squares today...pretty..ahead of schedule :D